He said his "No. 1 priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran".

"Today, Iran's enriched uranium is all but gone, thousands of centrifuges have stopped spinning, Iran's potential break-out time has increased, and new verification measures are in place to help us deter and detect any cheating", Clinton said Monday.

In his address on Monday to the annual conference of the powerful American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Trump claimed that with President Barack Obama in his final year, discussions have been swirling about an attempt to bring a security council resolution on the terms of an eventual agreement between Israel and Palestine. The two countries are negotiating a 10-year defense "memorandum of understanding", and many speakers pushed for the United States to be generous in the defense equipment it will provide Israel. It was, in the words of Republican candidate Donald Trump, speaking to 18,000 attendees, "catastrophic for America, for Israel and for the whole Middle East".

Trump's 25-minute speech was punctuated by hearty applause.

The lobby organization has no compunction in meddling in U.S. policy issues and has done so repeatedly, from the appearance of a plethora of anti-BDS bills in state legislatures, as well as in Congress, to trying to sabotage the Iran Deal and pressing for more USA aid to Israel.

While Russia is continuing to block any efforts to impose United Nations sanctions on Iran, Reuters reported Thursday that the USA and its European allies intend to present a "technical" case to the Security Council explaining how the missiles tests violate Security Council resolutions.

"What Obama gets wrong about deal-making is that he constantly applies pressure to our friends and rewards our enemies", he said, drawing applause.

"So long as I have a voice and a vote, I will not yield to those who wish to break my resolve on stopping Iran's illicit nuclear program and on preserving the unshakable bond between Israel and the United States", Menendez, the former top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations, said.

Utah senator clarifies endorsement of Supreme Court nominee Judge Garland
These are not huge numbers, though it does indicate that most nominees are considered by the Senate. Judge Garland was born and raised in President Obama's hometown of Chicago.

"And in January 2017, we will have a commander-in-chief who says under no circumstances will Iran be allow to acquire nuclear weapons, either you will shut down your nuclear program or we will shut it down for you".

Calling Israel "a beacon of light unto the world", GOP candidate Senator Ted Cruz told the AIPAC audience that "peace is achievable only through strength".

And, asked whether he would recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Washington, Mr Trump replied: "Yes, I would".

Trump even went so far as to say he'd work closer with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose authoritarian policies in eastern Ukraine have seen tensions with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation reach their most dire level since the end of the Cold War.

"I don't think it's an accident that every few months we hear of Iran launching yet another ballistic missile", Ryan told AIPAC delegates at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. The charges against AIPAC employees Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman were dropped; Lawrence Franklin, the Pentagon employee who passed the information to AIPAC, which allegedly gave it to Israel, was sentenced to 12 years in prison, according to news reports. And if I am president, on the first day, we will re-impose sanctions on Iran.

"Clearly, Iran will never change", Menendez said.

"Let me be very, very clear".

"American will stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel".