He said, "Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the USA and Israel is absolutely unbreakable".
Mr Trump - who used a teleprompter rather than talking off the cuff as he normally does and, for the first time, uploaded the speech to his website - had been criticised for saying he would be a "neutral guy" in the Middle East peace process but in his speech said he was a "lifelong supporter" of Israel. "Tonight, you'll hear from candidates with very different visions for American leadership in the region and around the world", Clinton said. "As president I will not be neutral".
In his closing remarks he promised to "send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel".
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke at the conference earlier Monday.
Secondly, Trump said that the United States "will totally dismantle Iran's global terror network".
"If you see bigotry, oppose it. If you see violence, condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him", she said to a standing ovation. Throughout the day, his public remarks lacked their usual bombast, an obvious effort to appear more presidential.
The rise in anti-Trump sentiment among women could pose a problem for the NY billionaire in his quest for the White House. Trump also repeated his pledge to release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees. He said that once he becomes president, he will not treat Israel like a second-class citizen.
"If people want to be smart, they should embrace this movement", Trump declared at a news conference, shrugging off passionate resistance to his candidacy from both parties.
"We need steady hands, not a president who says he's neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything's negotiable", the Democratic front-runner told almost 18,000 attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's annual policy conference. Ukraine is not a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and has only received defensive materiel from the USA and its allies. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. It advocates for a pro-Israel agenda in Congress, and is considered to hold a considerable influence in USA politics.
United States presidential hopefuls routinely make pilgrimages to AIPAC during an election year. We have now an opportunity to change course or have four more years of the same. "Believe me", he said to applause. Jim DeMint, who is head of the Heritage Foundation, an influential conservative Washington think-tank.
Second (though before the speech), Trump met with The Washington Post's editorial board. The advisory team includes terrorism exp-ert Walid Phares, energy industry executive Carter Page, internatio-nal energy lawyer Geo-rge Papadopoulos, former Pentagon inspector general Joe Schmitz, and former Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, Mr Trump said.
It was an unusual scene for Trump, who has largely eschewed scripts and tends to speak in front of adoring crowds at raucous rallies. Their best hope of derailing his insurgent candidacy is to stretch the contest out and deny him the 1,237 delegates needed to formally win the party's presidential nomination. Ted Cruz and trailed Ohio Gov. John Kasich by 4 points.
The CBS News/New York Times national poll also conducted March 17-20 similarly has Trump in the lead at 46%, followed by Cruz at 26% and Kasich at 20%.
Rob Ford's treatment in hospital 'palliative in nature' spokesman says
Earlier this month, Doug Ford said his brother was pursuing targeted chemotherapy under the Panov program at Mount Sinai Hospital. After his cancer diagnosis and withdrawal from the mayoral race, he sought out and won his old seat on the Toronto City Council.