As well as new ResearchKit capabilities, Apple also revealed a new CareKit framework that makes it easier for individuals themselves to better understand their own health by keeping track of care plans and monitoring symptoms and medication. Apple ResearchKit has allowed medical researchers to learn more about everything from Parkinson's symptoms to autism in young children. This app essentially lets users track how their medicines and exercises are helping in slowing the spread of the disease.

Apple has forged an interesting beachhead in the medical world and today revealed a new CareKit health framework for patients as well as an update to its ResearchKit framework that brings genetic and medical research data to the iPhone.

In addition, Texas Medical Center has created a CareKit app, called Care Card, which will replace the traditional paper-based discharge instructions for post-surgical patients.

CaerKit will be open source and available in April.

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CareKit was introduced by Apple's COO Jeff Williams during Apple's "Loop you in" event today. Will it actually help people be healthy? The CareKit allows Apple to sink deeper in the health industry.

Williams added that the first CareKit app is for Parkinson's, a natural condition to target because 24 hours after Apple made ResearchKit available it led to the biggest Parkinson's study to date. It will be open for institutions to develop apps that will help patients take a more active part in the care for their health. However, CareKit seems to be a distinct platform separate from ResearchKit. They are using the Apple Watch to save accelerometer and heart rate sensor data during seizures. Now the University of Rochester and Sage Bionetworks are already using it to monitor the advancement of the Parkinson's disease.

The Symptoms and Measurement Tracker will enable users to record feedback regarding how they feel and how well they're recovering.